When I was a student in Chinese Medicine School I learned an amazing acupuncture point that worked wonders for acute low back pain or that feeling that happens when you throw out your back. Shortly after graduation, I had a patient come into my acupuncture clinic in Mesa, AZ with severe back pain. She had recently hurt her low back during a fall while skiing. After doing orthopedic testing I assessed that she had strained the muscles in her low back and I knew just the point for that type of back pain.
Acute strains and sprains of the low back happen when the area is over stretched, causing small tears in the muscles or ligaments. The muscles near the injured area go into a protective spasm making it difficult to move. The pain often feels very sharp and is easy to pin point. This type of injury often happens when we do activities or sports that require repetitive lifting or twisting motions like gardening, shoveling snow, playing golf, tennis, soccer and baseball. Trauma from a fall, as in my patient’s case is also another cause. People who have experienced this before often say they threw their back out again.
The name of the acupuncture point that alleviated my patient’s acute is called the Lumbar Pain Point or Yaotongxue. It is actually two points located on the back of both hands. They are amazing points for acute low back strain or sprain when the pain is felt on either side of the spine.
To find the points on your right hand: Slide your left index finger between your right index and middle fingers from the knuckles towards the wrist. You will feel a tender depression about 1.5-2 inches from the knuckles. This is the first point. Mark it with washable ink. The second point is located in a tender depression between the ring and little fingers about 1.5-2 inches from the knuckles. Mark this point too. Press on the first point with your left thumb and the second with your left index finger. While applying pressure to the points gently and slowly move your low back forward, backward and side to side. The movement should not be painful. . Do smaller slower movements if painful. Press gently but firmly on the points for about 1 minute. If you have pain on the right side of your back press the points on your right hand. If you have pain on the left side of your low back press the points on your left hand.
This point alleviates pain and muscle spasm in the low back. Gentle slow movement while pressing on the points is the key to the effectiveness.
As for my patient- I did acupuncture on these points for her low back pain while she gently moved her spine. After several minutes her pain eased significantly and she had more range of motion. I added two more points while she rested comfortably on the treatment table for another 20 minutes. She left my acupuncture clinic pain free and after two more treatments her back pain resolved.
If you are experiencing acute back pain due to a sprain or strain call 480-832-0966 to schedule an appointment.
Stay well,
Dr. D
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