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In the last three posts I have discussed how you can boost your immune system with supplements, foods and acupressure. Other essential actions you can take to strengthen your immune system include:
Reducing stress: Stress weakens our immune system. The stress hormone cortisol reduces the number of immune cells available to prevent illness. Find time each day to do something that you enjoy that helps to alleviate stress. It can be things like exercise, a walk in nature, quiet time to yourself, reading a book or meditation.
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Sleep: Prioritize getting enough good quality sleep. Sleep helps your immune system because the body produces protective immune proteins called cytokines during sleep. If you are sleep deprived your body produces fewer cytokines leaving you more vulnerable to getting sick.
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Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated helps your immune system by bringing more more blood and nutrients to our organs and by clearing pathogens and cellular debris from our lymph system. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 150 pounds your target would be 75 ounces of water.
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Avoid sugar: Sugar suppresses our immune system by reducing the effectiveness of immune cells to fight off pathogens. Most of us don’t realize that sugary foods decrease the strength of our immune system by half and this effect lasts for 1-2 hours, making us more vulnerable to getting sick.
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Through this series of posts my intention has been to provide you with valuable information that you need to stay healthy. At this time it is absolutely essential that we all know how to care for ourselves and that we prioritize self care. Now is the time to make these lifestyle changes that will keep us healthy now and into the upcoming cold and flu season.
And of course since I provide acupuncture in Mesa, AZ I would be remiss if I did not mention that acupuncture can help reduce stress, lower cortisol levels and promote better sleep. Acupuncture also strengthens the immune system. If you would like to reduce stress, sleep better, boost your immune system or learn how to eat more nutrient rich foods call 480-832-0966 to schedule an appointment.
Stay well,
Dr. D
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