Acupuncture Points for Acute Low Back Pain

When I was a student in Chinese Medicine School I learned an amazing acupuncture point that worked wonders for acute low back pain or that feeling that happens when you throw out your back.  Shortly after graduation, I had a patient come into my acupuncture clinic in Mesa, AZ with severe back pain. She had recently hurt her low back during a fall while skiing.  After doing orthopedic testing I assessed that she had strained the muscles in her low back and I knew just the point for that type of back pain.

Acute strains and sprains of the low back happen when the area is over stretched, causing small tears in the muscles or ligaments.   The muscles near the injured area go into a protective spasm making it difficult to move. The pain often feels very sharp and is easy to pin point.  This type of injury often happens when we do activities or sports that require repetitive lifting or twisting motions like gardening, shoveling snow, playing golf, tennis, soccer and baseball.   Trauma from a fall, as in my patient’s case is also another cause.  People who have experienced this before often say they threw their back out again.  

The name of the acupuncture point that alleviated my patient’s acute is called the Lumbar Pain Point or Yaotongxue.  It is actually two points located on the back of both hands.  They are amazing points for acute low back strain or sprain when the pain is felt on either side of the spine. 

To find the points on your right hand:  Slide your left index finger between your right index and middle fingers from the knuckles towards the wrist.  You will feel a tender depression about 1.5-2 inches from the knuckles.  This is the first point.  Mark it with washable ink.  The second point is located in a tender depression between the ring and little fingers about 1.5-2 inches from the knuckles.  Mark this point too.  Press on the first point with your left thumb and the second with your left index finger.  While applying pressure to the points gently and slowly move your low back forward, backward and side to side.  The movement should not be painful.  .  Do smaller slower movements if painful.  Press gently but firmly on the points for about 1 minute.  If you have pain on the right side of your back press the points on your right hand.   If you have pain on the left side of your low back press the points on your left hand.

This point alleviates pain and muscle spasm in the low back. Gentle slow movement while pressing on the points is the key to the effectiveness.

As for my patient- I did acupuncture on these points for her low back pain while she gently moved her spine.  After several minutes her pain eased significantly and she had more range of motion.  I added two more points while she rested comfortably on the treatment table for another 20 minutes.  She left my acupuncture clinic pain free and after two more treatments her back pain resolved.

If you are experiencing acute back pain due to a sprain or strain call 480-832-0966 to schedule an appointment.

Stay well,

Dr. D

Acupuncture Treatment for Herniated Disc Symptoms

Patients often ask me if at my acupuncture clinic in Mesa, AZ if acupuncture is an effective treatment for a herniated disc.  The answer is yes, acupuncture can alleviate herniated disc symptoms for many people.  The pain from a herniated disc can be debilitating and negatively effects your relationships, ability to work and enjoyment of life.  Acupuncture treatment for herniated disc symptoms can help you regain your life.

What causes a herniated disc?

Excessive pressure on the discs and degeneration of the discs cause lumbar disc herniation.  When the spine bends forward (flexes) this position places enormous pressure on the discs especially when the spine in in this position for a long period of time.  A twisting motion combined with the flexed position adds even more strain on the discs.  Athletes involved in sports and activities that involve repetitive bending forward and twisting like golf, baseball and football are more vulnerable to lumbar disc injuries.  Sitting and leaning forward for long periods during office work, studying and driving long distances also damages and injures the discs.  Sitting, more than standing or walking places the discs under enormous pressure and is thought that this is the reason for disc herniation in younger adults. 

As we age the disc begins to breakdown.  The disc loses water and becomes dehydrated.   The collagen and gelatinous matrix that make up the disc weakens making it more vulnerable to injury especially under strain.   A disc herniation puts pressure on the spinal nerves and cause pain.  The injury also causes the release of many different inflammatory substances that irritate the nerve root and cause pain.

What are the symptoms of a herniated disc?

One of the leading causes of low back pain is lumbar disc herniation.  People with lumbar disc herniation also experience pain, numbness, tingling and electrical sensations into the buttock and down the leg.  Other symptoms include muscle cramping, loss of strength and heaviness in the legs.

On rare occasions, symptoms include severe low back pain with loss of bladder and bowel control.  This is cauda equine syndrome and it is a medical emergency.   If not treated immediately the symptoms can become permanent. 

How can acupuncture help herniated discs?

Most people with a herniated disc respond to conservative (non-surgical) care and acupuncture plays an important role.  Acupuncture treatment for herniated discs alleviates pain, releases muscle spasms and restores mobility.  Acupuncture increases micro circulation to the affected area and stimulates the body to produce its own natural pain killers (endorphins).  It also reduces the inflammation that irritates the nerve root by decreasing inflammatory cytokines.  It also stimulates the production of immune cells that clear cellular debris that also irritates the nerve root

Is there anything I can do to help alleviate the pain from a herniated disc?

Yes.  The discs swell overnight and put pressure on the nerve root causing more pain upon waking in the morning.  Avoid movements and stretches that flex the spine first thing in the morning.  Examples are bending to touch your toes or bringing your knees to your chest to stretch your low back.  Always avoid waking and then immediately sitting at your desk or table to check email, study or catch up on work.  Instead go for a walk and allow time for the discs to shrink.  Doing this will lessen the pain you experience during the day.

My free E book 3 Ways to Heal Chronic Pain at the Root has more tips and valuable information to help reduce pain caused by herniated discs.  You can find it on the upper right of this post.

If you are looking for pain relief from herniated discs call 480-832-0966 to schedule an appointment and I will be happy to help you.

Stay well,

Dr. D

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Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

If you are searching for acupuncture for lower back pain near me, you have come to  the right place.  At my acupuncture clinic in Mesa, AZ, acupuncture is an extremely effective treatment for low back pain.  Just about everyone has experienced the misery of low back pain at some point in their life.  In fact, low back pain is one of the top reasons people make an appointment with their doctor.  If not addressed properly, low back pain can progress to a chronic and ongoing problem for years and years.  The good news is that acupuncture can help relieve acute and chronic low back pain as well as sciatica.

Acupuncture alleviates low back pain

There are many causes of low back pain.  Lifting heavy objects, sudden awkward movements or even simply bending over to tie shoes can strain low back muscles or sprain ligaments. Often the muscles around the small joints of the lumbar vertebrae (facet joints) can go into spasm causing the facet joints to lock causing pain and loss of mobility.  Sitting for hours at a time, bending forward, bending and twisting places a great deal of pressure on the discs between the vertebrae.  This excess pressure on the discs can cause the disc to bulge, herniate or even rupture, which presses on a nerve and causes pain.  As we grow older the discs between the vertebrae shrink creating less space between the vertebrae which can also irritate a nerve and cause pain.  Arthritis and bone spurs occur with aging or trauma and cause pain.

How Does Acupuncture Help Lower Back Pain?

Acupuncture not only alleviates lower back pain, but also address the root cause of low back pain so it is less likely to recur.  Acupuncture alleviates muscle spasms so that the spine is able to move freely again.  Acupuncture for low back pain decreases inflammation in the painful area. Inflammation irritates nerves causing more pain and muscle spasm. Acupuncture also signals the body to produce it’s own pain relieving substances (endorphins).  It also increases circulation and speeds the healing of injured muscles and ligaments.

You may be asking if sciatica can be treated with acupuncture and the answer is yes!  Acupuncture helps sciatica by alleviating pressure on  the irritated nerve root.  It also sends a surge of natural pain relieving endorphins to the low back as well as changing how the brain and spinal cord process pain signals.

Another way acupuncture helps lower back pain is by eliminating trigger points and the pain they cause.  Trigger points taut bands in the muscles that when activated refer pain to other areas of the body.  Certain trigger points cause low back pain and mimic sciatica.  Below is an example of trigger points in the quadratus lumborum muscle (marked with a T) that refer pain to the lower back, buttocks and back of the thigh (marked by red dots).

Acupuncture eliminates trigger points that cause lower back pain

Pain is a sign that something is wrong.  Pain medication masks the pain but does not treat the cause of low back pain and  often causes liver and kidney damage.  Acupuncture provides long term pain relief without harmful side effects.

My free E-book 3 Ways to Heal Chronic has valuable information to help reduce low back pain. You can find it on the upper right of this post.  If you would like to experience how acupuncture can help your low back pain call 480-832-0966.

Stay well,

Dr. D